Sunday, July 31, 2016

How to be unemployed and happy

Hello there my unhappy jobless peeps. How's the day going? Boring i guess. Well now if you day is going fantastically fine and you are having a jolly good ride with life right now, then you should'nt be here. Sorry, but you got to go. Okay bye.

If you are unemployed, depressed and angry at the world for your situation, then here are a few things to keep you going and make you a little bit happy with your life.
I do some of these, so i'm talking from experience.

Go out- Do'nt just sit down in your house and complain that there is no work for you to do. Go out to places, meet new people, drop your cvs.
If you are in a state that has no companies or firms or whatever, my dear please relocate to somewhere else that has more opportunities for you to explore.

READ -  Pick up a book and just read. Go to the library or download and read  good books . Imagine yourself as your favorite hero and dream away to the magic land of fantasies. Sometimes one just have to get away from all the wahala in this country and since you obviously do not have the money to travel out physically, please imagine it. Nobody will kill you for that and it is also free.

LEARN NEW THINGS: There are so many  free courses online that you can indulge in. That time you use in facebooking and twittering, would do you much good if you learn something worthwhile.

START A SMALL BUSINESS-Okay i know times are hard and there is no money  and some annoying people that do not know our predicament often say this. But even if its pure water, start selling. Some of you might not agree with me on starting a small business that will give you peanuts, but atleast you will have money for recharge card instaed of begging people.

BLOG-  Start a blog on how to be unemployed(like me). Okay maybe not that.  Then sometging else that catches your interest. Who knows what tomorrow holds for you(wink).

WATCH TV-   Get a good movie or preferably a long series and just watch until your head aches and then watch some more.

VOLUNTEER-  If you can't volunteer in an organisation because of one flimsy reason or the other, there is nothing stoping you from voluntering at home. Dont be a nuisance to your family members. Its nobodys fault that you dont have a job.
Watch more tv( dont need more explaining or does it?

SLEEP-  just relax yourself and sleep. Body no be fire wood. Sleep all day and when you wake up in the night, go back to sleep.

KEEP A JOURNAL- Finally,  Just a journal to rant about how your life sucks. Trust me, it'll make you feel better.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Jobless Diaries(1)

So after graduating from the university about a year ago i have'nt got a job. I know most of you will say (just one year and you are complaining.) Well it does'nt matter.

All that matters is that one is without a job and it is extremely annoying and life is boring.
You see adverts everywhere of job openings and you wonder if there are just for show or if people are really getting these jobs.
Once or twice you see a testimony on nairaland that someone just got a job and you begin to pray for your own.
You wait and wait for a miracle because now your degree does not matter again. If you don't have somebody somewhere, 'na only miracle you go hope on.

After going through school, burning mid night candles, going for lectures, doing  stupid assignments that lecturers never read and struggling to see that your name is on  flimsy attendance cheat for ten marks, what do you get?
 Answer -  A long stay in your fathers house, waiting for when somebody will visit and dash you money. Because your parents do not have your time again.
Most times, you might even here comments like" abeg do go marry" or better still "you no get boyfriend?".
Sometimes you begin to wonder what went wrong but in the end, what can one do but hope for a miracle.

Life is hard o. Especially if you are unemployed and in naija.